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Special Education Glossary

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    Common Special Education Abbreviations

    ABA: Applied Behavioral Analysis

    AT: Assistive technology

    APS: Approved Private School

    ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder

    BASC-2: Behavior Assessment System for Children, 2nd Edition

    BEC: Basic Education Circular. Policy guidance on education issues from the Pennsylvania Department of Education

    BIP: Behavior Intervention Plan (see PBSP)

    BCBA: Board Certified Behavioral Analyst

    BSC: Behavioral Specialist Consultant

    BSE: Bureau of Special Education. Office in the Pennsylvania Department of Education that administers and manages the state’s special education resources and oversees compliance with the IDEA.

    CBA: Curriculum Based Assessment

    Chapter 14: The Chapter in Title 22 of the Pennsylvania Code which contains the Pennsylvania State Board of Education’s special education regulations that implement the IDEA.

    Chapter 15: The Chapter in Title 22 of the Pennsylvania Code which contains the Pennsylvania State Board of Education’s regulations that implement Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

    Chapter 16: The Chapter in Title 22 of the Pennsylvania Code which contains the Pennsylvania State Board of Education’s regulations pertaining to Gifted education.

    Comp. Ed.: Compensatory Education. Make up services owed to a child with a disability who didn’t receive the services listed in their IEP or who didn’t receive an appropriate program or whose legal rights have been violated in a significant way.

    DPH: Due Process Hearing (special education hearing)

    ED: Emotional Disability (or Emotional Disturbance)

    EI: Early Intervention

    EIS: Early Intervening Services

    ER: Evaluation Report

    ESY: Extended School Year

    FAPE: Free Appropriate Public Education

    FBA: Functional Behavior Assessment

    GARS: Gilliam Autism Rating Scale

    GED: General Equivalency Diploma

    GIEP: Gifted Individualized Education Plan

    IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Federal law that requires states to provide children with disabilities a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE).

    IDEIA 2004: Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004. Name of the law which reauthorized and amended the IDEA in 2004.

    IEE: Independent Educational Evaluation

    IEP: Individualized Education Program. Plan for eligible children from ages three through 21.

    IFSP: Individualized Family Service Plan. Plan for eligible children from birth to age three.

    ISS: Instructional Support Services

    IU: Intermediate Unit. Pennsylvania’s 29 Intermediate Units are regional education service agencies charged with providing programs and services to public, private and non-public (religious) schools.

    LD: Learning Disability or Learning Disabled

    LEA: Local Educational Agency

    LRE: Least Restrictive Environment

    LS: Learning Support

    MDE: Multidisciplinary Evaluation

    NORA: Notice of Recommended Assignment

    NOREP/PWN: Notice of Recommended Educational Placement/Prior Written Notice

    ODD: Oppositional Defiant Disorder

    OCD: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    ODR: Office for Dispute Resolution. Office funded by PDE to coordinate services for Due Process Hearings and other dispute resolution options (such as mediation and IEP facilitation).

    OT: Occupational Therapy

    PaTTAN: Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network. Provides educators, parents, and agencies involved in special education with a statewide network of technical assistance trainings, and publications.

    PDE: Pennsylvania Department of Education. State agency responsible for overseeing the provision of education and educational services to all children within the state.

    PASA: Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment. Statewide test for children with significant cognitive disabilities who cannot take the PSSA.

    PBS: Positive Behavior Support

    PBSP: Positive Behavior Support Plan (see BIP)

    PDD/NOS:Pervasive Developmental Delay/Not Otherwise Specified

    PSSA: Pennsylvania System of School Assessment. Statewide test measuring student proficiency on state academic standards.

    PT: Physical therapy

    PTE: Permission to Evaluate

    RR: Reevaluation Report

    RtI: Response to Intervention

    SAS: Supplementary aids and services

    SDI: Specially designed instruction (special education)

    SEA: State Educational Agency. In Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

    Section 504 Plan: Also known as a Service Agreement, 504 Plan, or 504 Accommodations Plan. Plan adopted for children who are eligible for accommodations or other services due to disability under Chapter 15 and Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

    SLD: Specific learning disability

    ST: Speech Therapy

    TOWRE: Test of Word Reading Efficiency

    WIAT-2: Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, 2nd Edition.

    WISC-IV: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th Edition.

    WPPSI: Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence.

    WRAT-4: Wide Range Achievement Test, 4th Edition.

    U.S. DOE: United States Department of Education. Federal agency responsible for overseeing the provision of education and educational services to all children in the United States.